Alerting you to Record Conflicts

Previously, when you save a record in EHS, there was a risk, albeit quite small, that your changes being saved would override the changes made by someone else.

As part of our recent mobile enhancements, we have brought more offline features into the core experience. Whilst useful for editing records on the go, this may mean you could be more likely to have a record with “stale” changes when you come to save it.

To combat this, we have moved from a “Last-Save-Wins” to a “First-Save-Wins” approach to saving records. How does this work in practice? When you go to save a record, whether on mobile or desktop, we will alert and prevent you from overwriting someone else’s changes, giving you the opportunity to fix the problem. Without these updates, the other person affected would be none the wiser that their update has been lost, until it is too late.