Welcome EcoOnline EHS

You may recall that we shared our exciting news with you last August that we had been acquired by EcoOnline. While you may not have heard much about this apart from the increased references to EcoOnline and dual logos on our marketing material, we have been working hard to make sure that we provide an even better product with our stronger company. 
As you can imagine this has driven some changes in our company branding, and also changes to the names and visual aspects of our product. 

What are the visual changes?

Primary Buttons

Firstly it is important to mention that we are not changing the way the system behaves as part of the branding update. However we are changing the colour scheme and icons we use.

As you can see from the images we are giving the system a brand new look and feel for our users. This is an exciting journey to be part of so we welcome any feedback around the changes.

These images are based on our designs and could be subject to amendments, if this is the case we will keep our users updated via the release notes.


Introducing the new Navigation Bar….


As part of our acquisition by EcoOnline, we are updating AVA’s navigation bar, to unify our new product suite and ultimately our customers experience. We are changing the way the icons and menus appear to our clients.

We are updating our slide out panes to more traditional drop down menus.


New Navigation Bar Icons….

We have introduced a new notifications icon, which allows users to access the release notes. It also allows us to start thinking about the types of notifications we want to bring into the system going forward.

Also we have introduced an innovative App Launcher for our clients who want to take advantage of our suite of products we offer since becoming part of EcoOnline. The additional products will only be visible if clients have purchased from platform suite. This is where our ideas portal will now be available for our users to submit ideas.

We have updated our traditional home icon to our new EcoOnline branding. Also we have updated the UI of the search bar but not changed any functionality. Our modules icon has transitioned across to the right of the bar.

You can expect to start seeing these changes towards the end of May 2021. Once we have a firm date we will communicate this out across our client base.

If you require further information about these changes please reach out to your account manager.