Update to Events Notifications

Release Date: 24th February 2020

We’ve made a few changes to our out-the-box notifications for the Events module to limit notifications going out to our users that the Event does not concern or who do not have access.

These changes include restricting certain notifications to users with:

  • Read permission at the reporting point of the event concerned
  • Permission for an Event Type that’s contained in the event concerned
Notification From Status To Status Recipient & Rule Conditions
Awaiting Triage In Progress Awaiting Triage To users with:

Triage and Event Type permission for at least one of the Event Types contained in the record
Read and Event Type permission for at least one of the Event Types contained in the record

Additional: Only sends if no Triage person named
Assigned Triage In Progress Awaiting Triage To named triage user (comes into effect in an unlocked record scenario)  
Awaiting Investigation In Progress Awaiting Investigation To users with:

Investigation and Event Type permission for at least one of the Event Types contained in the record
Read and Event Type permission for at least one of the Event Types contained in the record
Assigned Investigation To the named investigator user, sent at point of assignment
Investigation Sign Off Awaiting Investigation Awaiting Sign Off 1 Rule 1: If no Sign Off 1 selected then sent to users with:

Sign Off 1 and Event Type permission for at least one of the Event Types contained in the record
Read and Event Type permission for at least one of the Event Types contained in the record

Rule 2: If Sign Off 1 user selected then send notification to user
Sign Off 1 completion Awaiting Sign Off 1 Awaiting Sign Off 2 Rule 1: If no Sign Off 2 user selected then sent to users with:

Sign Off 2 and Event Type permission for at least one of the Event Types contained in the record
Read and Event Type permission for at least one of the Event Types contained in the record

Rule 2: If Sign Off 2 user selected then send notification to user