Release 41

Release Date: 28th November 2019

  • Record Notes
  • OSHA CSV Export Update
  • User / Permission Reporting
  • Custom Table Tile enabled for all tenants
  • Audit Log improvements

Record Notes

Record notes is a new, platform-wide feature that can be enabled per module and access-controlled with user permissions. This was initially raised through our Ideas Portal and it’s now evolved into this feature.

Once the new feature has been enabled for your modules, if you have the new ‘Notes’ permission and Write access to the module, you will be able to add Notes to a record at any point in the record.

As you view the record, you will see a new icon along the top of the main screen that looks like this:

When clicking on this icon, you will see a panel open on the right-hand side of the screen.

This feature allows anyone who has the Notes permission for the module to add to the notes thread to pass on information about the record without actually making that content part of the record itself. All the notes will be displayed in chronological order and you will be able to see who wrote them and when they wrote them. You will get the ability to edit your own notes and also delete your own notes too until the record is in a state where no updates can be made.

The note visibility is linked to which steps on the left-hand menu you have permission to see, so if you don’t have access to a Sign Off step, or an Investigation step, then you won’t see any of the notes that were entered from anyone who entered notes while on those steps. This ensures you are only seeing notes relevant to the areas of the record that you can see yourself.

Our initial release of this new feature only allows basic text to be added, no emojis in case you were going to ask, and we are keen to get feedback for how we could extend this feature and where it can add some value to the way you work within AVA. Please speak to your account managers to arrange for it to be added to your AVA system.

OSHA CSV Export Update

We have made a small update to the OSHA 300A CSV Export in line with a recent update to the specifications from OSHA. We have added a column that contains an EIN Reference (Employee Identification Number) which is a nine-digit number also known as a Federal Tax Identification Number.

This number will also need to be added to the Legal Establishment Feed and mapped to ‘ein’ when the feed gets set up.

User / Permission Reporting

A common request we receive is for a method to review and extract AVA User data and what permissions they have been assigned..

To solve this we have produced a Permissions Report and an User Export function for your System Administrators to use.

Permissions Report

  1. As a System Administrator, navigate to the new PERMISSIONS REPORT Tab in the Administration Module
  2. Select the part of the AVA Hierarchy you are interested in and whether you want to include the levels beneath in your query (Include Child Levels toggle)
  3. See which Permission Groups have been assigned at that level (or below). You can amend Permission Groups by clicking the blue link
  4. To see which Users have been assigned that permission select the arrow
  5. View the Users with the selected permission
  6. At any point you can create an export at the selected Hierarchy Level. If no Hierarchy level is selected you’ll get a full extract of Users and Permissions

Please Note: we’ve had to limit the list of Permission Groups displayed on screen to 10 only but we will amend this to the full list when we can. You can still extract all Permission Groups from the Export.

Users Export

We’ve also added a new Users Export function.

This will take into account any text filter that’s been applied on screen.

The export includes:

  • Username
  • Email
  • Name
  • Country
  • Language
  • Landing Page
  • Last Login Type
  • Last Login Date
  • Whether the User is a System Administrator
  • Whether the User is Deactivated

Custom Table Tile Enabled

After the last release we were inundated with requests to turn the new Custom Table Tile on so we’ve decided to enable this for all tenants. If you have any concerns about this please raise them with your Administration / Implementation team.

Audit Log improvements

We’ve made some performance and scalability improvements to our in-record Audit Log.