Release 35

Release Date: 23rd July 2019

  • Email notification for non-AVA users
  • Mobile Audit: Dynamic Audit Template
  • Filters for Search
  • Preparation for Scheduling

Email notification for non-AVA users

We have extended a similar feature from Events so you can now add any email address to a subscription by typing the email address into the list alongside any AVA users that you want to include.

As you type the email address in you can add a comma or semicolon and it will validate that email address allowing you to continue typing several email addresses in one go. It will also validate the structure of the email and will, as you can see in the image, highlight in red any that are invalid so you easily fix them before saving the details.

Mobile Update – Audit: Dynamic Audit Template

The “Dynamic Template” Audit can now be carried out within the AVA Mobile App, allowing you to add questions to this blank template on the fly, to fill out on the go.

Adding questions to other Audit templates that your System Administrator has the dynamic question functionality enabled for is currently being worked on for the next release.

Filters for Search

We’ve added filters to all of our Module Search screens to held distil the fields you see on screen.

Filters for Search in action

Preparation for Scheduling

You may have noticed a new icon on the AVA Homepage for Scheduling. This new functionality is currently being worked on. We will let you know what it is and what it can do when it is ready to be released.